Students > First Year M.Des > SPOORTHY BANANNA KANNUR


Areas of Interest

Applications of Origami and Biomimicry based engineering in Product Design, Use of AI and AR-VR into my design process, Use of design psychology and philosophy, Renewable Energy Integration.

About me

Extracting the best out of nature and human ingenuity involves finding ways to work with nature rather than against it. I seek to explore the limitless possibilities of the skills I nurture as a Computer Science Engineer and Product Designer so as to contribute to our ever-evolving civilization. I enjoy reading, sketching, and creating, with a focus on sustainability. One of my subliminal goals is to let the soil, plants, water, animals and our atmosphere that encompasses Earth's Climate help interact in a natural way as they did before human interference.



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Insomnia detection using Machine Learning amount young students post pandemic

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